Curriculum vitae

Boone, North Carolina, USA



Philosophy, with minor in Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies.
Capstone: “Beyond Plunderphonics: A prolegomena to any future revolutionary music.” (advised by Dr. Rick Elmore)
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC


Academic memberships

Aug 2021 — May 2024: Co-president, Appalachian State Philosophical Society

Faculty advisor: Dr. Rick Elmore

Conference presentations

  • “Response to Abigail Cuttle - ‘Transforming Our Perception of Deformity: Gloria E. Anzaldúa and Zhuangzi on Wholeness, Usefulness, and Value.’” 2023 Kennesaw State University/Appalachian State University Philosophy Symposium, Kennesaw State University, November 11th, 2023.

  • “Whatever’s Left of Woman: Porn, Trans Identity, and Gender Expansivity.” 23rd Annual Southern Appalachian Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, University of North Carolina at Asheville, February 11th, 2023. First place prize winner.

Professional experience

Aug 2018 — May 2024: Student IT Technician, Appalachian State Technology Support Services
  • Repairing computers: virus removal, data backup, hardware diagnostics, ticket management via Atlassian Jira.

  • Customer service: explaining repair steps taken to customers upon them picking up their computers in an understandable way.

Volunteer experience

Contributor, Nixpkgs (May 2022 — present)
Developer, Exherbo Linux (2014 — 2017)

Language competencies

  • English (native)

  • Spanish (reading)